Secure management systems

Our delivery centres are compliant with ISO 27001:2015 for data security and 9001:2013 quality management standards.

Data Security

Physical storage

All your information in stored on highly restricted, access-limited servers within a state-of-the-art data center. Trained security personnel monitor these centers using the most sophisticated electronic surveillance systems on a 24/7 basis.

SSL encryption

We secure all your interactions via a bank-grade 256-bit SSL encryption. This means your data cannot be read even if you are using an insecure network or a public Wi-Fi network.


Need to know basis

To ensure your data can only be accessed by as few people as is necessary to complete the job, Qcounting exercises the principle of least privilege. We understand that it is good to trust but verification is more important. And to that end, conduct through background checks of all employees for data security.

Security from the
ground up

Not only is your data protected in highly-restricted facilities, but is monitored using secure systems. Additional security measures include:

  • Secure client login (use of last pass and IP authentication)
  • Industry class firewall defences
  • Enterprise level Antivirus solutions
  • 24/7 manned entry points
  • Daily server backup
  • 24/7 guarded security
  • Biometric systems
  • Disabled USB ports
  • Clear desk policies
  • Limited internet access unless there’s a process requirement
  • Continuously monitored web-access
  • Confidentiality agreements